Park Avenue ENT is the shared office for the practices of Dr. Michael Rothschild and Dr. Jacqueline Jones. Our office is located on the upper east side of Manhattan in New York City.
Dr. Jones also sees patients in Brooklyn, and Dr. Rothschild also sees patients in Brooklyn and in Englewood, New Jersey. For more information, to contact the practices or to schedule an appointment, please click on the appropriate link.
Dr. Jones also sees patients in Brooklyn, and Dr. Rothschild also sees patients in Brooklyn and in Englewood, New Jersey. For more information, to contact the practices or to schedule an appointment, please click on the appropriate link.
Dr. Rothschild: (212) 996-2995
Dr. Jones: (212) 996-2559
Fax: (212) 996-2703
1175 Park Avenue, 1A
New York, NY 10029